I'm pleased to announce that I have developed a new web site for my designs, coins and more! Please stop by today!
I've even got it set up for sales of the coins I have designed, most especially my Artist's Reserve coins (formally referred to as Artist Edition)
The site is a work in progress, I will be adding in future designs, my start to finish progress and a newsletter sign up so you can be alerted to new designs and coins for sale! I've worked very hard on this site and am so excited!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Coins available to be Purchased!
If you've been watching this blog and have been wanting some of these coins you are in Luck! I have several available to be purchased. If you see one listed that you would like please send me an email with the coin you want, the quantity and the paypal address for me to invoice.
Shipping and Handling will be combined when I invoice you if there are multiple coins. Each Additional coin will be $.50 more.

Artist's Edition Eat, Meet & Greet. Geocoin Club April 2007
Antique Copper (4 Available) 15 made.
$23.50 + $2.50 S&H
Artist's Edition Eat, Meet & Greet. Geocoin Club April 2007
Black Nickel (5 Available) 15 made.
$18.50 + $2.50 S&H
Artist's Edition What's in your Mailbox?
RED (6 Available) 30 made
$18.50 + $2.50 S&H
Artist's Edition Cacher on Board
Antique Silver (4 Available) 30 made
$18.50 + $2.50 S&H
Shipping and Handling will be combined when I invoice you if there are multiple coins. Each Additional coin will be $.50 more.

Artist's Edition Eat, Meet & Greet. Geocoin Club April 2007
Antique Copper (4 Available) 15 made.
$23.50 + $2.50 S&H

Black Nickel (5 Available) 15 made.
$18.50 + $2.50 S&H

RED (6 Available) 30 made
$18.50 + $2.50 S&H

Antique Silver (4 Available) 30 made
$18.50 + $2.50 S&H
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
GW5 Geocoin Chicks!

What do you get when you put myself and Steph (PoSAM)together for a chat? A really crazy idea and a sweet coin! The Geocoin Chicks! These sweet little morsels made their first appearance at Geo Woodstock 5! It was an idea the two of us came up with to get a bunch of chicks together and create a coin for the bunch of us. Chicks, Peeps they're all the same thing!

Except for this guy! The Rooster! This mysterious Peep showed up with each set of coins. There were 28 Chicks & Chicklets who produced 42 different peeps and over 3200 coins!

If that wasn't enough there's alos been some sightings of this Naked Chick. No sparkles on it, so it must be a Marshmellow, maybe that's why it's naked?
Hog Wild Stuff GW5 Tie Dye Tees

How can you have a Woodstock anything without Tie Dye?
I wondered the same thing so I began playing with this design. It went through a couple transformations,and had a nice push from Mama Cache to be produced. They were available at GW5and through the Hog Wild Website. There were four colors, Red, Blue,Pink & Lime Green. This was a great coin for gifts to my own Geobuddies who could not come to GW5.
I wondered the same thing so I began playing with this design. It went through a couple transformations,and had a nice push from Mama Cache to be produced. They were available at GW5and through the Hog Wild Website. There were four colors, Red, Blue,Pink & Lime Green. This was a great coin for gifts to my own Geobuddies who could not come to GW5.

Friday, May 11, 2007
Eat, Meet & Greet Geocoin Club April 2007

I was completely surprised when Mike said he wanted this design for the club! I had 2 different Metals made for the Artist Editions. The one above is Black nickel. There are 15 of these coins and I am selling a couple of them for $25.00 + $2.50 S&H. If you'd like one drop me an email.

This beauty is the Antique Copper Artist Edition. In my opinion (and Mikes) it came out the best of all of them! There are also 15 of these, but I am not selling any at this time.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
PathTags & GeoTags

I've also created a PathTag for Geoholic28 as well as 17 GeoTags. As soon as I have pictures of each of those I will add them here as well.
MC Escher-esque Lizards

Birds of a Feather Cache together!

What's in your Mailbox? V.2

Stonehenge - The Ultimate Mystery Cache.

What's in your mailbox? V.1

Cacher on Board

Geocoin Racers

Geocoin Racers! These are one of my favorite projects. I had been sitting on the idea and design for these coins for awhile. Honestly I was hoping to be able to produce and sell them myself, but it didn't pan out. So they too went to the Geocoin Store. The 4 production cars were the GC.com colors, Orange, Green, Yellow and Blue on black nickel. I believe that there were 250 of each color made, they are SOLD OUT now. As the artist I received 2 sets of the standard four colors in shiny silver PLUS 16 Purple and 16 Black cars on the shiny silver. All of the coins above are Artist Edition.
Cache Hiker

Geoswag's October 06 "Lantern" coin.

This coin was a joint project with Chris Mackey, of Fox-and-the-Hound. He had helped me with the art for our UOTrackers coin. I showed him a design I had sent of to Geoswag and he liked it so much that he played around with it. What he got is the coin you see above. For this joint project we each received 10 Artist Edition coins, produced in a shiny silver rather than the gold. These were the October coin for the Geoswag Coin & Pin Club.
Geoswag's May 06 "Cent" coin

This was my first attempt at designing a coin by myself. It's sort of Cheesy. I created this design to enter into the new (at that time) coin club, Geoswag Coin & Pin Club. Amazingly it was selected for their May coin. As the artist I received 9 Antique Silver Artist Edition coins. I belive that 30 total AE's were minted, Mauison had a very similar design so he also received 9 coins.
UOTrackers First Edition Coin

The UOTrackers First Edition coin features a famous corner in Aiken SC. The co-ordinates on the coin lead to our Coins, Tokens & Nickels, oh my! Cache. The shape of the coin was taken from part of our namesake, UO, which stands for Ultima Online, a game that both my husband and I have played for several years. This game is also where our "call names" come from. I am Brae, which is short for Braelynn Aria, and my husband is Ancient. Andromeda is actually Bella's middle name. So there you have the short version of UOTrackers!
Brae's Coins
Hey! You found my blog. Welcome! Hopefully I will update this blog frequently so that you can check in and see what I've been up to. This is where I will post pictures of coins I have designed. For the most part I will post Samples and Artist Editions. I'll tell you a bit about the design as well as the minting info, you know, where to get it, the size the colors etc. etc. etc. Once in awhile I may post art for coins that are WELL into production. I may also post art for coins or tags I have done for other people.
If your looking through these pages because you need some art done, and you like what you see, feel free to
shoot me an email. I've got pretty reasonable rates and have been told I'm very easy to work with. Check back periodically for references!
If your looking through these pages because you need some art done, and you like what you see, feel free to
shoot me an email. I've got pretty reasonable rates and have been told I'm very easy to work with. Check back periodically for references!
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