What do you get when you put myself and Steph (PoSAM)together for a chat? A really crazy idea and a sweet coin! The Geocoin Chicks! These sweet little morsels made their first appearance at Geo Woodstock 5! It was an idea the two of us came up with to get a bunch of chicks together and create a coin for the bunch of us. Chicks, Peeps they're all the same thing!

Except for this guy! The Rooster! This mysterious Peep showed up with each set of coins. There were 28 Chicks & Chicklets who produced 42 different peeps and over 3200 coins!

If that wasn't enough there's alos been some sightings of this Naked Chick. No sparkles on it, so it must be a Marshmellow, maybe that's why it's naked?